Usually, Free Fire players buy diamonds by spending dollars and then purchase clothes and weapon skins but using the Nicoo APK, you can easily unlock all your favourite weapon skins with a single touch. Here you can download Nicoo Free Fire App latest version that works on all Android devices.

The purpose of Nicoo Apk is to bring the player a premium experience of playing Free Fire. Nicoo app also does not ask users to root their devices. This app is not exclusive to only one country but you can take advantage of this app from any region all around the globe. Every time you want to get free skins, you have to open the Free Fire game through the Nicoo app.

Nicoo APK

Download Nicoo APK Latest Version (2023) for FREE!

13 MB || V1.5.2 (Latest Version)

100% Safe, Secure & Fast Downloading

How to Install Nicoo Free Fire

It is a really simple and easy process to download and install the Nicoo Free Fire app. If you want to successfully set up this app on your phone without facing any problems then pursue the steps given below very profoundly.

  • Firstly, click on the download button given above to get the APK file on your phone.
  • You have to enable the unknown sources so Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and tap on it to enable it.
  • Go back and open the file manager then locate the folder where you have saved the APK file.
  • Click on the Nicoo Free Fire App and install it.
  • Now, you can open the app and get free weapon skins.


Is Nicoo a Safe app to use?

Yes, Nicoo is a trusted and safe application. It is a very common type of tool normally referred to as mods. The aim of this app is to give users a better gaming experience.

Where to Download Nicoo APK Latest Version?

You can download the latest version of Nicoo Fre Fire (100% Working APK) from the links we have provided on this webpage.

What are the Minimum System Requirements for Nicoo App?

Nicoo App does not require too much processing power. Therefore, all Android devices in which Free Fire game runs, you can use the Nicoo App.